Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Number 8

A friend from years ago found me on Google. He said he Googled my name and my blog came up. Well, wouldn’t ya know? I did that same search and there I was, in black and white. My blogged popped up as number eight.

It seems as if this blog has provided so many reasons for being. It started as a way for friends to track me on my bike trip. It has turned into friends keeping in touch and a writing outlet of emotions (not always well written).

As I flow through my life, I see how the wind has blown me. From being married and divorced to cycling and Reiki. The events that have taken place before me have made me strong and independent.

This week, I prepare for an 88 mile bike ride in Kerrville, Texas. It is an organized bike ride called "The Easter Hill Country" at it occurs all weekend, but I will only ride on Saturday.

My room is missing molding and almost complete. I can see the light. My bike has a new room and is my trainer riding is going splendidly.

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