Tuesday, June 2, 2015

What Would You Do?

Now that I am a stay at home mom, I have become that typical mother that watches Bravo TV, goes to the gym, attends baby time at the library, and seeks out play dates. Not exatly how I envisioned this mommy stuff but it is working for this chapter in my life. I enjoy wathing Nathaniel eat ceral for the first time, learn to roll, and interact with other babies.  Waking up to a smiling baby every moring is the icing on the cake. 

Here Nathaniel is like, “check out my guns”.

I love to read and I often read to Nathaniel.  At the library, they read to the babies, sing, and play.  It always surprises me how much the babies observe during this time.  Nate will want to stand when he sees the other babies stand and reach his arms out to other babies.

On our first library time, I noticed a mother going throught the toy bag.  Since it was my first time, I was not quite sure how the time would fold out.  Just as the librarian walked out of the room, the mother grabbed some toys and stuffed them in her purse.  Did I really just see a mother steal toys from the library?  

It was like an episode of What Would You Do? And that is just that, I did not know what to do.  I was new to the group and did not want to stir up trouble.  After a diaper change, Nathaniel’s and not mine, I asked my sister what I should do. We looked for the librarian, however she already left.

Still to this day I wish I had done something more.  Confront the lady?  Call her out on the spot?  Either way, my non action bothers me more than what my action should have been.

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