Tuesday, September 10, 2013

New Job

These past few weeks have been difficult to post due to our pending custody case.  I do not want to blog about what could be used against me in court, nor do I want to let the ex-wife’s mama drama suck all my energy.  I am moving on to bigger and better opportunities in my life.
The biggest news these days is: I resigned from my employer of 15 years. USAA has been good to me and has taught me about honor and respecting our military.  Integrity has been instilled and a strong foundation of work ethic will follow me through my professional and personal life, for many years.
Me and da mister have started Premier Optical Group and are making lenses for eye glasses.  With my smarts and his good looks, we will be working together.  It is debatable if it is my smarts and good looks. For the next few weeks, we will be sharing an office and he will be showing me the ropes.  That is, if we do not get on each other’s nerves first. All I am saying is that we have perfected the eye roll.
Not only is my work going to be different, but our home base will change.  As the dust settles, we may find that home base changing.  We will still have our homes in Carrizo and Hollywood Park and go back and forth.
Some things will never change, like me riding my bike.  My next goal is to ride my bike from Carrizo to Eagle Pass, 44 miles away from the house, with a border patrol stop half way.

1 comment:

  1. A momentous decision - Congrats and good luck with the new venture. And glad to hear that you are hanging on to the priorities - riding the bike may be just the relief valve that keeps the two of talking and working together...Bob
