Friday, January 30, 2015

Barbie and her Baby

Let me introduce you to

Nathaniel Andreas Alaniz

Born on January 22, 2015 at 2:27 PM

7 pounds 8 ounces and 20.75 inches long

After 39 years, Barbie finally has a baby.  

I am so sleep deprived but so happy.  At least three times a day, I look down at my little man and think, "how did I get so lucky"?

Here Nate is like, "Call me" because this is what handsome looks like.  No promises, but I will try not to bombard my blog with baby pictures. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Week #38

 Well, here I am at week #38 pregnant.  I have every complaint any woman would have carrying an extra 25 pounds around plus all the usual aces and pains pregnant women have.
Last week I was sicker than a dog and I spent the week in bed. Unable to drive myself and because my doctor is two hours away, it was not until Thursday that I was able to get antibiotics. When I did show up at my doctors office, she told me to think February even though my due date is January 25. 
How is that even possible?!  My bike and all the gear I have does not even weight 25 pounds and I am supposed to walk around like this for the next two weeks, give or take.
I am much slower to get around these days and only committing to a few things that I know for sure I can get myself to.
It looks like my heart tattoo that reads, "XC" for cross country will be with me for generations. I have no plans to remove it but will have to be creative in my answer when Nathaniel says he wants one too.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Week #37

 Well, I am almost there and I am so ready to indulge in one too many adult beverages.  For now, I get to use my belly as a portable table.  Da Mister does not seem to mind since I get to hold his drinks for him.
All in an effort to ensure labor and recovery is easier, I am still going to spin class, yoga, and swimming.   Some days are easier than others.  My logic is that if I am going to hurt laying on the couch, then I might as well hurt doing something that I like.  I like telling the ladies in class that if I can keep spinning, then they can too. Talk about motivation.

Mean while, I am working up the courage to take a belly picture for the next post.