Friday, March 11, 2016


This prayer is being shared on social media and it reminds me to remain calm in the craziness of my life. It is hard to rank the ten items because I have complained about every thing listed.  When I look closely, it is the lack of sleep that makes me grumpy and thus I start complaining about everything else. 

 Nate wakes up with his dad at 5:30 AM.  Every night I pray that he would sleep in a bit longer but it never happens.  Nate seems to like the extra time with dad and enjoys seeing his big brothers off to school. Often I find myself counting down the minutes until nap time so I can squeeze in a nap myself. 

Untimely, I am reminded of the baby I do have, the baby on the way, and the two boys that are growing into smart young men.  The boys in the house are health and playful and I remind myself to forget about the to-do-list and have fun. 

My house is full of love, though messy at times.  I step back and examine all that I am grateful for and I know that there will be a time when I get more sleep and I will have all the time in the world to explore more roads on my bike. 

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